How Can A Building Enhance Your Wellbeing?

With mental health being a current important topic our recent blog is focused on looking at how your home or buildings can have an impact on your wellbeing.

We have all experienced the inside or the outside of a badly designed building, which just doesn’t feel welcoming. Factors like temperature, humidity, light levels, room orientation, storage, size and the materials it is constructed in all play their part.


As humans we are instinctively drawn towards natural materials and higher levels of natural light. Having little natural insulation ourselves warm spaces are important to both our physical and mental health.

For a long time the Japanese have understood the importance of a well designed, balanced living environment and whilst many people believe that this is a pseudo-scientific practice, the theories behind it make perfect sense and should be at the core of good architecture, which has the wellbeing of the buildings occupants at the forefront of their minds when designing spaces.

The use of natural materials is an important factor and is one of our core values at Spacetwo. The look, smell and feel of wood are something that has been scientifically linked to lower stress levels. Wood is also an excellent insulator, which means that our buildings are self-regulating depending on the temperature outside. They are super cosy and warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

The tactile property of wood encourages you to engage with the building and its light colour enables natural light to be bounced around the rooms.

Quite simply our buildings never feel cold, damp, harsh or unwelcoming.

So next time you are feeling stressed, try relaxing in your favourite room in your home, making sure that it’s the right temperature, light and filled with soothing natural materials and see the difference it makes to how you feel.