Make Energy Whilst The Sun Shines
With the sun finally shining this blog seems the perfect one to write!
The reasons for installing solar panels are many and have the obvious benefits of being a sensible ecological choice. The system is made up of the following items, a bank of photovoltaic cells (solar panels), a battery storage system and a voltage inverter to convert the stored energy in the battery from DCto AC (direct current to alternating current). These days they are relatively inexpensive (£3500 will provide you with a 3Kwh system, enough to run lights and a small heater) and there are a few other reasons we can think of for installing a bank of these panels rather than just being green.
· You can be off grid, this means not having to connect into the household electricity supply so the money you can save if you have to run a long cable (digging a trench, the price of the cable and connecting to the consumer unit) could part pay for the solar system.
· It saves money especially if you use the room as an office as the cells provide a top up to the electricity you use.
· Protect against rising electricity cost and futureproof your room
· You can sell power back to the grid through a feed in system for when you are not consuming power.
· Top up the use to your house, this could be an option if you connect into your domestic power supply.
Whatever you’re reasons for choice it’s certainly a great option and with more and more specialist companies out there offering sophisticated photovoltaic systems there has never been a better time to consider choosing this as an additional extra to your building.
Recently for the first time ever the UK used less electricity in an afternoon than it did in the night, which is a first ever in the UK. The national grid has put it down to the sunny weather and the new number of solar panels installed, meaning that the energy produced by solar power was meeting the demand beating the supply from coal fired power stations by 6%. With figures like this being released the sun definitely is shining on the new sustainable was to produce our power.